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Not pictured: Antartica

These are the various "stamps" I've collected on my passport. Click on each picture to see where it correlates to on the map above! Each "stamp" contains a little bit of information on why this location was included on my microbe map. There are three pictures per location, so pictures from the same location have the same information.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including Nigeria.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including Nigeria.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including Nigeria.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including India.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including India.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including India.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including Afghanistan.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including Afghanistan.



Poliomyelitis is a terrible disease that causes major disabilities and paralysis for those who contract the virus. Because of vaccination, most cases have disappeared. however, 4 countries main endemic with this virus, including Afghanistan.

Cave of Crystals, Mexico

Cave of Crystals, Mexico

At first look, scientists thought that these caves were void of any life - microbial or not. However, what they discovered is that this cave is home to millions of viruses! What's amazing is that these viruses survived even after being closed off from the environment for thousands of years.

Cave of Crystals, Mexico

Cave of Crystals, Mexico

At first look, scientists thought that these caves were void of any life - microbial or not. However, what they discovered is that this cave is home to millions of viruses! What's amazing is that these viruses survived even after being closed off from the environment for thousands of years.

Cave of Crystals, Mexico

Cave of Crystals, Mexico

At first look, scientists thought that these caves were void of any life - microbial or not. However, what they discovered is that this cave is home to millions of viruses! What's amazing is that these viruses survived even after being closed off from the environment for thousands of years.



When Macedonians found red stains on their bread, they thought it was blood. They took it as an evil omen. However, these "blood" stains actually just came from a red pigmented microbe, Serretia.



When Macedonians found red stains on their bread, they thought it was blood. They took it as an evil omen. However, these "blood" stains actually just came from a red pigmented microbe, Serretia.



When Macedonians found red stains on their bread, they thought it was blood. They took it as an evil omen. However, these "blood" stains actually just came from a red pigmented microbe, Serretia.

Atacama Desert, Chile

Atacama Desert, Chile

The Atacama is a blazing hot desert in the middle of Chile. There are forms of prokaryotic life here, however. Only extremophiles are able to survive in these extremely harsh conditions.

Atacama Desert, Chile

Atacama Desert, Chile

The Atacama is a blazing hot desert in the middle of Chile. There are forms of prokaryotic life here, however. Only extremophiles are able to survive in these extremely harsh conditions.

Atacama Desert, Chile

Atacama Desert, Chile

The Atacama is a blazing hot desert in the middle of Chile. There are forms of prokaryotic life here, however. Only extremophiles are able to survive in these extremely harsh conditions.



Carolus Linnaeus was a Sweedish botanist who was looking for a way to organize all of the new species being discovered. He became the father of taxonomy by developing a system to classify the new organisms. This system is still in place today.



Carolus Linnaeus was a Sweedish botanist who was looking for a way to organize all of the new species being discovered. He became the father of taxonomy by developing a system to classify the new organisms. This system is still in place today.



Carolus Linnaeus was a Sweedish botanist who was looking for a way to organize all of the new species being discovered. He became the father of taxonomy by developing a system to classify the new organisms. This system is still in place today.



Even in climates as cold as Antartica, you can still find microbes! The organisms that live here are extremophiles. They have been found in the bottoms of some of the lakes in Antartica.



Even in climates as cold as Antartica, you can still find microbes! The organisms that live here are extremophiles. They have been found in the bottoms of some of the lakes in Antartica.



Even in climates as cold as Antartica, you can still find microbes! The organisms that live here are extremophiles. They have been found in the bottoms of some of the lakes in Antartica.



Sergei Winogradsky was a Russian scientist. He was the first to discover ho bacteria use carbon dioxide to produce sugars. He did so using a Winogradsky column.



Sergei Winogradsky was a Russian scientist. He was the first to discover ho bacteria use carbon dioxide to produce sugars. He did so using a Winogradsky column.



Sergei Winogradsky was a Russian scientist. He was the first to discover ho bacteria use carbon dioxide to produce sugars. He did so using a Winogradsky column.



Masaki Ogata was a microbiologist from Japan. He determined that rat fleas could carry the bubonic plague. His work was an important step in learning how to control the plague.



Masaki Ogata was a microbiologist from Japan. He determined that rat fleas could carry the bubonic plague. His work was an important step in learning how to control the plague.



Masaki Ogata was a microbiologist from Japan. He determined that rat fleas could carry the bubonic plague. His work was an important step in learning how to control the plague.



The scientist Robert Koch is from Germany. He formulated what is now known as Koch's postulates. His work confirmed that microbes are what cause diseases in humans.



The scientist Robert Koch is from Germany. He formulated what is now known as Koch's postulates. His work confirmed that microbes are what cause diseases in humans.



The scientist Robert Koch is from Germany. He formulated what is now known as Koch's postulates. His work confirmed that microbes are what cause diseases in humans.



Antony van Leeuwenhoek is scientist who lived in Holland in the 1660s. He was one of the first to use microscopes, and found tiny organisms he dubbed animacules while looking in a drop of water. It was so cool to do a similar experiment earlier this semester in the microbe lab!



Antony van Leeuwenhoek is scientist who lived in Holland in the 1660s. He was one of the first to use microscopes, and found tiny organisms he dubbed animacules while looking in a drop of water. It was so cool to do a similar experiment earlier this semester in the microbe lab!



Antony van Leeuwenhoek is scientist who lived in Holland in the 1660s. He was one of the first to use microscopes, and found tiny organisms he dubbed animacules while looking in a drop of water. It was so cool to do a similar experiment earlier this semester in the microbe lab!

Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

When an oil spill occurs, like the large BP oil spill in 2010, scientists use microbes in order to clean up. This process is called bioremidation. The microbes grow and eat he petroleum in order to clean up the spill.

Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

When an oil spill occurs, like the large BP oil spill in 2010, scientists use microbes in order to clean up. This process is called bioremidation. The microbes grow and eat he petroleum in order to clean up the spill.

Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

When an oil spill occurs, like the large BP oil spill in 2010, scientists use microbes in order to clean up. This process is called bioremidation. The microbes grow and eat he petroleum in order to clean up the spill.

Eyam, England

Eyam, England

Eyam is a village located just outside of England that fell victim to the plague in the 1600s. A tailor had received a shipment that contained contaminated rats that carried the plague. Over half of the residents of Eyam died from this epidemic.

Eyam, England

Eyam, England

Eyam is a village located just outside of England that fell victim to the plague in the 1600s. A tailor had received a shipment that contained contaminated rats that carried the plague. Over half of the residents of Eyam died from this epidemic.

Eyam, England

Eyam, England

Eyam is a village located just outside of England that fell victim to the plague in the 1600s. A tailor had received a shipment that contained contaminated rats that carried the plague. Over half of the residents of Eyam died from this epidemic.

Soda Lake, Eygpt

Soda Lake, Eygpt

The Soda Lakes in Egypt are very basic, and have a pH content of around 11. Natronomas is an extremophile able to survive at such high pH levels. It does so by incorporating ammonia into the cell.

Soda Lake, Eygpt

Soda Lake, Eygpt

The Soda Lakes in Egypt are very basic, and have a pH content of around 11. Natronomas is an extremophile able to survive at such high pH levels. It does so by incorporating ammonia into the cell.

Soda Lake, Eygpyt

Soda Lake, Eygpyt

The Soda Lakes in Egypt are very basic, and have a pH content of around 11. Natronomas is an extremophile able to survive at such high pH levels. It does so by incorporating ammonia into the cell.

Vulcan Island, Italy

Vulcan Island, Italy

Even in extreme environments such as near a volcano, you can find life! the hypothermophile Pyrcococcus furious was first isolated on this island. Pyrococcus uses its high G and C content, as well as some other adaptations, in order to survive in this extreme heat.

Vulcano Island, Italy

Vulcano Island, Italy

Even in extreme environments such as near a volcano, you can find life! the hypothermophile Pyrcococcus furious was first isolated on this island. Pyrococcus uses its high G and C content, as well as some other adaptations, in order to survive in this extreme heat.

Vulcano Island, Italy

Vulcano Island, Italy

Even in extreme environments such as near a volcano, you can find life! the hypothermophile Pyrcococcus furious was first isolated on this island. Pyrococcus uses its high G and C content, as well as some other adaptations, in order to survive in this extreme heat.

Lascaux, France

Lascaux, France

These cave art pieces are found in France. However, since their discovery many microbes have begun to colonize these pieces. These caves are now very limited to the public, in order to preserve the art.

Lascaux, France

Lascaux, France

These cave art pieces are found in France. However, since their discovery many microbes have begun to colonize these pieces. These caves are now very limited to the public, in order to preserve the art.

Lascaux, France

Lascaux, France

These cave art pieces are found in France. However, since their discovery many microbes have begun to colonize these pieces. These caves are now very limited to the public, in order to preserve the art.



These artworks are on display in the Africa exhibit in the Harn Museum of Art. Both the basket and the bowl show signs of slight biodeterrioration. Luckily, the Harn fumigates and protects its art often in order to keep too much damage from occurring.



These artworks are on display in the Africa exhibit in the Harn Museum of Art. Both the basket and the bowl show signs of slight biodeterrioration. Luckily, the Harn fumigates and protects its art often in order to keep too much damage from occurring.



These artworks are on display in the Africa exhibit in the Harn Museum of Art. Both the basket and the bowl show signs of slight biodeterrioration. Luckily, the Harn fumigates and protects its art often in order to keep too much damage from occurring.

Dead Sea, Israel

Dead Sea, Israel

This is a picture of the Dead Sea in Israel, a sea that is known for being very salty. In this sea, there are extremophiles such as the halococcus that thrive in this salty environment. These microbes use osmoprotectants in order to survive these harsh conditions.

Dead Sea, Israel

Dead Sea, Israel

This is a picture of the Dead Sea in Israel, a sea that is known for being very salty. In this sea, there are extremophiles such as the halococcus that thrive in this salty environment. These microbes use osmoprotectants in order to survive these harsh conditions.

Dead Sea, Israel

Dead Sea, Israel

This is a picture of the Dead Sea in Israel, a sea that is known for being very salty. In this sea, there are extremophiles such as the halococcus that thrive in this salty environment. These microbes use osmoprotectants in order to survive these harsh conditions.

Gainesville, Fl

Gainesville, Fl

This was our very first field trip in the course, and the very first time I got to meet Dr. Oli - in the microbiology lab! We took a look at what different microbes we could find in a droplet of water. We ended up finding all sorts of life forms, including parameciums, rotifers, and even amoebas.

Gainesville Fl

Gainesville Fl

This was our very first field trip in the course, and the very first time I got to meet Dr. Oli - in the microbiology lab! We took a look at what different microbes we could find in a droplet of water. We ended up finding all sorts of life forms, including parameciums, rotifers, and even amoebas.

Gainesville, Fl

Gainesville, Fl

This was our very first field trip in the course, and the very first time I got to meet Dr. Oli - in the microbiology lab! We took a look at what different microbes we could find in a droplet of water. We ended up finding all sorts of life forms, including parameciums, rotifers, and even amoebas.

As you can see, microbes can be found in every corner of the earth, and it has taken scientiss from all over the world in order to unlock their mysteries. Microbiology really is a global science, and I have really enjoyed how this class has allowed me to see just how expansive this field really is. through this course, i've gotten to study abroad from the comfort of Gainesville, and really see such a diversity of locations for these microbes. I thin it would b really cool to explore some of the topics that Dr. oli's study abroad program looks at. I think this class would really benefit from looking at some foodmicrobiology processes, including bread and cheese productions, as well as alcohol and wine fermentation, and how these processes vary based on regions in order to give each country it's unique perspective on fermented food. 


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